Welcome Wisdom

Care Coordination: A Care Manager’s Expertise

September 4, 2023 — by Felicia Juntunen, MA, CMC, ECM Director of Care Management The healthcare journey can be full of challenges for older adults (and their families) and further complicated by the management of chronic diseases or dementia – sometimes both. Patients often express frustration with providers who are unfamiliar with them, with the cost of care, and the... Read More

Caregiving: It’s a Balancing Act

August 1, 2023 — by Felicia Juntunen, MA, CMC, ECM Director of Care Management Just a sampling of the statistics on caregiving provides a sobering perspective on why the topic of caregiving and support for caregivers is so important. According to The Family Caregiver Alliance, in 2015: 34.2 million Americans provided unpaid care to an adult over 50 years old. 16.1... Read More

Transportation: Get Where You’re Going- Safely!

July 6, 2023 — by Felicia Juntunen, MA, CMC, ECM Director of Care Management Our most recent newsletters have focused on mobility, safety, and prevention and their role in older adults maintaining independence and well-being. These subjects all intersect with the topic of transportation, access to transportation or lack thereof, and its impact on well-being, and successful aging. Aging Life... Read More

Safety Starts with Prevention

June 1, 2023 — by Felicia Juntunen, MA, CMC, ECM Director of Care Management As care managers and Aging Life Care professionals, one of our goals is to help clients maintain their maximum functional potential. We address safety and security concerns as we monitor and encourage their overall well-being. Last month we shared about the importance of mobility and its relationship... Read More

Mobility’s impact on Successful Aging

May 2, 2023 — by Felicia Juntunen, MA, CMC, ECM Director of Care Management Among the many things that change as we age is our mobility- or the ability to safely change and control the position of our bodies. Mobility directly influences a person’s ability to accomplish activities of daily living- bathing, dressing, toileting, food preparation- those essential functions which support... Read More

Aging & Mental Health: The Benefit of Care Management

April 3, 2023 — by Felicia Juntunen, MA, CMC, ECM Director of Care Management Depression is not a normal part of aging but approximately 15% of adults over the age of 65 report symptoms of depression that are clinically significant, in other words, symptoms that are disruptive to their everyday functioning. In our work as care managers, we see older... Read More

Engagement & Purpose: Essentials for Well-being

March 2, 2023 — by Felicia Juntunen, MA, CMC, ECM Director of Care Management Aging Life Care Professionals regularly observe the value of engagement and purpose in the lives of older adults, as we serve clients in various settings, at home and across all levels of care. Engagement can be defined as any activity that provides opportunity for connection with others, also... Read More

Challenges of Aging: Brain Health

February 2, 2023 — by Felicia Juntunen, MA, CMC, ECM Director of Care Management Our January article introduced the goal of this year’s series to address the challenges of aging within the scope of care management by an Aging Life Care Professional and their eight areas of knowledge. Dealing with changes in brain health and the subsequent impact on daily... Read More

Embracing the Challenges of Aging

January 3, 2023 — by Felicia Juntunen, MA, CMC, ECM Director of Care Management A 2018 Forbes article, titled, “The 8 Challenges of Aging,” referenced a collaboration between multiple groups, who identified the biggest challenges in aging. They called those engaged in service to older people to examine each challenge as an opportunity to “do good and do well.” This... Read More

Reflections of Gratitude

December 5, 2022 — by Felicia Juntunen, CMC, ECM Director of Care Management As 2022 comes to a close, it prompts a review of the many things for which the Elder Care Management team is grateful. This year has been one of change and growth amongst our ranks. Gail Arno, Director of Care Management, and mentor to the rest of... Read More