Caregiver Support

Caregiving is a demanding role in the best of circumstances – when circumstances are less than ideal, such as when you’re dealing with the often-difficult behaviors associated with dementia or mental illness, caregiving can quickly become overwhelming.
That’s where we come in.
Elder Care Management creates a safety net for caregivers. This gives them the ability to let go of the day-to-day responsibilities and focus on their own needs. We provide the peace of mind that their loved one is being supported by a team of professionals who are looking out for their best interests. We include the caregiver as part of this team, so they are involved and have a say in their loved one’s care.
We educate caregivers by giving them the resources they need to take care of themselves – support groups, understanding of their loved one’s disease, what to expect as the disease progresses, and a sympathetic ear. We consider family members our clients as much as the person they are caring for. We work with you to not only provide the best care for your loved one, but to ensure you have the support you need to live a balanced and healthy life.
Family Conflict
Providing the best care for a loved one can be a highly emotional experience, which can lead to differences of opinions among family members. We provide guidance and support for families who are experiencing conflict and can act as a mediator to resolve issues. Elder Care Management’s focus is on what is in the best interest of our client and we do our best to refocus family efforts in that direction.
Crisis Management
We love it when families contact us before a crisis hits, as it allows us to create action plans that can prevent a crisis from happening. We also understand that families can’t always plan for or predict emergencies. It is often at a critical time when our expertise is needed the most. If you have a situation that requires immediate intervention or assistance, we can help. We have the experience to advocate for people when they are at their most vulnerable.