Hospice Care: What is it, when is time to consider it and who is best served by hospice?

Gail Arno, ECM Care Manager
Gail Arno, ECM Care Manager, was instrumental in the founding of Elder Care Management over 7 years ago. She has been working in the industry of aging for over 20 years and shares this knowledge through her instruction of RCFE administrator’s certification courses in the area. She takes pride and much joy in supporting her clients throughout all the phases of aging and working alongside the consummate team of caring professionals at ECM. Care, compassion and kindness is a theme she chooses both personally and professionally.
In our daily journey with our clients we often face tough circumstances and challenging decisions as we walk alongside our client’s journey of aging. One of the most difficult decisions is to help our clients consider hospice care.
Hospice care is end of life care. It is considered the model for quality, compassionate care for people of all ages who are facing a life-limiting illness or injury. It involves a team-oriented approach incorporating expert medical care, pain management, and emotional and spiritual support tailored expressly to the patient’s needs and wishes. The goal of the care is to help people who are dying have peace, comfort and dignity. Hospice care also includes assistance for patients’ families to help them emotionally and spiritually cope with what is happening to their loved one and the effect that is felt by their entire family.
Finding the hospice program and team that best meets your needs should be an effort you (and your loved ones) address early in your care while you have the strength and ability to take an active role in the decision. Discussions with your doctor or primary care team can get you headed in the right direction.
Many of the clients we serve face the need to consider hospice care. Our experiences with our clients and hospice have proven to be some of the most emotionally and spiritually fulfilling moments in the journey we share. It can bring peace, comfort and dignity at a difficult time for everyone involved. All of us at Elder Care Management are more than happy to help you and your loved one through this phase of our journey in life; we will gladly listen, open a dialogue and help you find the hospice answers you seek.