Modern Day Caregivers: The Importance of Caring for Those Who Care12/9/20202pm3:30pm

Caregivers can exemplify compassion and nurturing toward others while often failing to
take care of themselves. Research shows that 65% of caregivers suffer from a major health
event before the person who is receiving care. Becoming educated and knowledgeable
about the journey ahead can make all the difference. Do you have a support network? Do
you know where to go for informal and formal support? Are you aware of local community
resources? Join Elder Care Management’s Director of Care Management Gail Arno as she
offers valuable tools and resources to promote your self-care during your caregiving
journey. It is essential that individuals and families recognize there is no shame in asking for
help. You are not alone; it is possible to be a healthy and resilient caregiver.
Learn about:
- Impact of caregiving
- Signs of stress and caregiver burnout
- Stress management tools and resources
- Formal and informal resources & support
Register TODAY:
**If you require respite care for your adult care receiver please call Del Oro at (916) 728-9333 by December 4th, 2020 *