"Compassionate Communication between Adult Children and Aging Parents" at Revere Court1/17/20232pm3pm

Sacramento, CA 95831
Some of the hardest and most vital conversations we will ever have are with our aging parents when we discuss their wishes regarding their hopes and desires for the future. Do they want to remain at home or live in a retirement or senior care facility? Is a family member in a position to provide in-home care, and to what extent? Are the family’s financial resources sufficient to cover the costs of in-home care or assisted living? Have the parents created their Advance Health Care Directive?
These conversations can be emotionally charged for both the parents and their children but involve topics that should be addressed to smooth decision-making about the future. Clarifying decisions together also helps all family members understand the basis for aging parents’ choices and can reduce conflict when a crisis arises. This presentation will help guide you through these very difficult conversations.
This free presentation is open to the community
Please RSVP to Revere Court @ (916) 392-3510