The Trials of Technology
by Maureen Lawrence, Outreach Coordinator
As a mother to 3 school-aged boys, I often find myself disheartened by the pervasive influence of technology in our lives. To young developing minds, our technology obsessed culture can lead to many unhealthy distractions. From video gaming, social media accounts, and text messaging, these distractions can easily become addictions, which we carry with us into adulthood.
While I may be personally frustrated by the influence of technology, in the Senior Care industry I have also seen the many overwhelmingly beneficial contributions that technology has afforded our society. One of the most profound impacts is to help combat the social isolation one feels when they are a dedicated caregiver. No longer does a caregiver need to feel isolated at home, alone in the caring of their loved one. There are countless chat sites and support groups readily available for information, support, and guidance. There is no need for someone to sit awake at home at 2 am wondering, “Is this normal?” With the instant results of a Google search, a caregiver can quickly find a slew of information on almost any topic. Providing a peace of mind that was not accessible just 25 years ago.
Technology is also providing caregivers with a constantly evolving set of resources to help in their responsibilities as a caregiver. We have come a long way from the fall alert devices from the past, now offering sensors throughout a home to help monitor an individuals activity level, or lack there of. This can help alert a family member or care provider if there is a change in normal behavior. Apps on a caregivers phone can assist with locating a senior’s keys or wallet, and send reminders for medication management, refill prescriptions, or attend doctor appointments.
While technology is continuing to infiltrate our daily lives, the challenge lies within finding a healthy balance. The goal will be to find the most impactful and beneficial ways to use this technology to aid us in healthy aging for the future.