Letters of Gratitude Writing Campaign for "Mission to Honor Veterans"8/31/202212pm10/3/20225pm

This October 14th we will be honoring local Veterans at the “Mission to Honor Veterans” event. Elder Care Management will be coordinating the “Mail Call” campaign and we need your help in writing Letters of Gratitude to gift the Veterans with.
Here are a few letter writing guidelines…
- Start with Salutation- such as “Dear Veteran,”
- Avoid discussing politics and religion (“I am praying for you” is okay)
- Do not include your contact information; first names only, please
- Drawings or pictures are welcome (add a note with artist’s age)
- Do not seal card envelopes, they will be sorted and sealed later
Please share this effort with your friends and family! Let us know if you have any questions.
We will collect all letters from the two drop-off locations at the end of the day on Monday, October 3rd.
Visiting Angels: 3350 Country Club Dr #101, Cameron Park
*after hours, use the mail slot in door
California Welcome Center: 2085 Vine Street #105 (Town Center), EDH
*Open Monday thru Friday from 9am to 5pm, Sat & Sun 10am to 4pm