Del Oro hosts an educational presentation by Ginger McMurchie: 911- The Event has Happened... Now What?1/29/201910:30am12pm

Woodland, CA 95776
Del Oro Caregiver Resource Center will be hosting a free educational event in Woodland on Tuesday, January 29th from 10:30am to 12noon. Ginger McMurchie, Elder Care Management owner, will be presenting, 911- The Event Has Happened… Now What?
Having a loved one go to the emergency room can be an extremely emotional and overwhelming experience. Seniors use the emergency room more than any other demographic. Many families are unprepared to make decisions quickly with minimal information and guidance. What are your options? What do you ask for? This talk will focus on what to expect when you get to the ER, and what happens when you leave.
Join us to learn:
- A checklist of things to have in place before an emergency
- The importance of diagnosis and follow-up
- Working with the hospital and staff
- Your rights in the hospital
- Handling complaints and appeals
- Having a discharge plan
To register, please call Del Oro Caregiver Resource center at (916) 728-9333. If you need someone to care for your loved one so that you may attend, free in home care may be available. Please indicate your need for respite upon registering. Please see the flyer for additional information.